What Do You Really Long For?

Thus have I heard: From womb to tomb we orchestrate our destiny by the choices we make from moment to moment, for with every crime and every kindness we give birth to our future. 

How deeply do you value yourself? Do you wake up looking forward to the day because you have a deeply felt reason to live?  Or do you linger in the shadows of what your life could be?

Subtle grades of depression kill more people than all other diseases put together. There is no antidepressant that will cure a despondency that stems from an existential vacuity, as this malaise does not originate from brain dysfunction.  It arises from a limiting self-image and puerile goals that desecrate your true purpose in being alive.  

Notice how the happiest, most well-adjusted individuals are those who have a strong influence over their destinies.  This strength and mastery comes from a well-focused mind that is rooted in personal excellence as a way of life.  These are people who learn from past mistakes, rather than reinforce or repeat them.  They take action in the present, rather than be apprehensive of what might happen in the future.  You, too, can be like them.

To make your best contribution to the world, you need to get excited about who you are, what you are, what you have, and what can still be possible for you, because only then will you begin to unleash all that is best in you.  So, stop waiting to start living.  Inspire yourself to be receptive to the opportunities in the present and draw from them the wealth of resources they have to offer to build and sustain a spectacular life.

Happiness, love, clarity, self-assurance and deep fulfillment are not separate or distinct experiences; they are co-emergent states.  This means that when you make a habit to experience any one of such wholesome states, you will inevitably draw other states of a similar resonance to you. 

Believe that you are already successful, before you actually achieve success and your aspirations will be far easier to achieve.  See the final result you wish to experience and root it firmly in your mind, and know beyond all doubts that once something is firmly established on the mental plane, it must and will materialize, when you create the right conditions for it.  The best condition for achieving our innermost heart’s desires is to flow in a healthy and loving partnership with life.

Understand that those who enjoy life to the fullest are not the ones with the most pleasures and possessions.  They are the ones who strive to be the best they can be daily. In other words, they have a personal calling, a sense of mission, a quest that reaches beyond self-interest or petty pursuits.  To put it another way, they do not wait for life to enrich them.  Instead, they enrich life with the quality of their presence and their remarkable gifts to society.  These are the people who continue to inspire us long after they are gone.

There is an immense spiritual force within you, which is forever beckoning you with invitation after invitation to trust in its magnificence to fulfill every worthy desire you have.  It is for you to take up this calling by being conscious of your inborn treasures, so that you can enjoy the tremendous, far-reaching fulfillment they offer.  
Pay attention!  


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