Zap Them With Gentleness!

Thus have I heard: We may not be able to determine what each day brings, but we do have the power to choose, how we not only bring in the day, but also how much splendor we gain and share from it.

Don’t you desire kindness and understanding from others, even when you are being obnoxious at times?  In the same light, how often do you convey tenderness in your interactions with others, especially when they are being unreasonable or difficult?  Does a titanic disruption have to arise in your relationships and in your health before you take the necessary steps to resolve these issues in a wholesome manner?

You may believe that it is admirable to be gentle, kind and affectionate only to those close to your heart, but that goes against the basic law of nature involving the principle of fair exchange.  Just reflect on the great benefits you continue to enjoy in your personal and professional life from “complete strangers” day in and day out.  

Observe the wide range of necessities you indulge in daily, such as the clothes you wear, the meals you enjoy, the roads you travel on and the home you live in.  Doesn’t every detail of these luxuries come to you through the joint efforts of innumerable people you don’t even know?

You do not need great talent or wealth to give back something of substance.  What you do need is a sincere willingness to share with others what is finest within you ~ your love, appreciation, gentleness, joy and humor.  

Regardless of our status, we all desire to be recognized and acknowledged, not just for what we do or have, but also for who we are in essence.  It is really so simple to fulfill this great need in others.  In time, the people whom you thank either verbally or tangibly may forget what you said or gave to them, but they will never forget how you made them feel with even a small but significant gesture of caring.  

Being gentle and considerate towards others reveals itself in our choice to avoid giving advice of any kind unless asked.  People don't savor unsolicited advice.  They don't utilize it and often run from it when they are soaked in it repeatedly.  Better to be a sounding board instead.  


When people hear themselves out loud, they often get the answer they were looking for without our home-made remedies; most of which we fail to apply ourselves.  It is not easy to change ourselves – changing others is even more difficult – in fact, it is a herculean task that is best to steer away from.

Our choices define who we are and what we ultimately become.  Real joy is best experienced when our choices create a ripple effect in the world for the betterment of all.  


Your chosen perspective changes everything; even a simple “hello,” can make someone feel valued, especially when you zap them with gentleness, straight from the heart.  Make it a point each day to discover novel ways to enrich the world, and you will magnetize yourself to all that’s miraculous around you.  So, perfect your skills in being silken and affectionate in your mannerisms daily.


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